Specimen Table

Cohort Population Genomic DNA RNA Plasma Serum CSF Whole Blood Urine Saliva (Passive Drool)
FTLD FTLD Cases, Controls

Study Details

Examination of the Earliest Symptoms and Biomarkers of FTLD

The FTLD Study, Examination of the Earliest Symptoms and Biomarkers of FTLD MAPT Carriers (R01NS076837) aimed to better understand and characterize early-stage FTLD, with the larger goal of facilitating earlier disease detection and preventing irreversible neurological changes. Investigators who request access to this resource will be required to comply with the BioSEND Biospecimens User Agreement and/or the Data Use Agreement and to adhere to the Publication Policy.

Cheran G, Wu L, Lee S, Manoochehri M, Cines S, Fallon E, Lynch T, Heidebrink J, Paulson H, Goldman J, Huey E, Cosentino S. Cognitive Indicators of Preclinical Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia in MAPT Carriers. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2019 Feb;25(2):184-194. doi: 10.1017/S1355617718001005. Epub 2018 Nov 21. PMID: 30458895; PMCID: PMC6374161.
Cheran G, Silverman H, Manoochehri M, Goldman J, Lee S, Wu L, Cines S, Fallon E, Kelly BD, Olszewska DA, Heidebrink J, Shair S, Campbell S, Paulson H, Lynch T, Cosentino S, Huey ED. Psychiatric symptoms in preclinical behavioural-variant frontotemporal dementia in MAPT mutation carriers. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2018 May;89(5):449-455. doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2017-317263. Epub 2018 Jan 20. PMID: 29353234; PMCID: PMC6317727.
Domínguez-Vivero C, Wu L, Lee S, Manoochehri M, Cines S, Brickman AM, Rizvi B, Chesebro A, Gazes Y, Fallon E, Lynch T, Heidebrink JL, Paulson H, Goldman JS, Huey E, Cosentino S. Structural Brain Changes in Pre-Clinical FTD MAPT Mutation Carriers. J Alzheimers Dis. 2020;75(2):595-606. doi: 10.3233/JAD-190820. PMID: 32310161.
Study Subjects

Subjects from this study are from a single family with a genetic mutation for FTLD who are approaching the age of disease onset; members of the offspring of the single family participated in this longitudinal study examining cognition, behavior, psychiatric symptoms, and lifestyle features. BioSEND has samples available from more than 60 subjects.

Available Data

Demographic, lifestyle, and cognitive data are available for subjects in the FTLD study.

Study Protocol

Please contact biosend@iu.edu for more information on available data.

Available Biospecimens

DNA and RNA from blood, CSF, whole blood, and plasma are available.

Please contact biosend@iu.edu for information about available biosamples.

Specimen Catalog

The catalog for ESFTLD is hosted by BioSEND. Use the link below to access the ESFTLD catalog to view available specimens along with a minimal clinical data set.