Specimen Table

Cohort Population Genomic DNA RNA Plasma Serum CSF Whole Blood
LBD Lewy Body Dementia (LBD) or high likelihood LBD subtype of mild cognitive impairment (MCI)

Study Details


Study Subjects

Subjects are recruited and evaluated at one of 15 PDBP-funded research sites, located throughout the United States. Study subjects include individuals at various stages of Lewy Body Dementia (LBD) or high likelihood LBD subtype of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) as well as controls.

Available Data

PDBP-funded research studies collect a minimal dataset for each evaluated subject. More information on study data is available here.

Available Biospecimens

DNA and RNA from blood, plasma, serum, whole blood, and CSF are available for request.

Specimen Catalog

The catalog for LBD subjects is hosted by the NINDS Data Management Resource (DMR) as part of their PDBP catalog. Use the link below to access the PDBP catalog to view available specimens along with a minimal clinical data set.