Specimen Table

Cohort Population Plasma Genomic DNA CSF Serum Whole Blood
READISCA Participants with a diagnosis of SCA1/SCA3 and controls
CRC-SCA Participants with a diagnosis of SCA 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, or 10

Study Details

Clinical Trial Readiness for SCA1 and SCA3 (READISCA)

READISCA is a longitudinal study, designed to establish a well defined cohort of early-stage and symptomless SCA1 and SCA3 individuals and to discover and verify disease-related biomarkers. The study is sponsored by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Investigators who request access to the READISCA resource will be required to comply with the BioSEND Biospecimens User Agreement and/or the Data Use Agreement and to adhere to the Publication Policy.

Study Subjects
This study is still currently enrolling and projects to have a total enrollment of 200 subjects. Biospecimens are available from unaffected individuals with a family history of SCA1/SCA3 and participants with a recent diagnosis of SCA1 or SCA3.
Available Data

Please contact U01SCA1&3@houstonmethodist.org for more information regarding available clinical data.

Available Biospecimens

DNA from blood, plasma, and CSF.

Specimen Catalog

The catalog for READISCA is hosted by BioSEND. Use the link below to access the BioSEND catalog to view available specimens along with a minimal clinical data set.

Clinical Research Consortium for the Study of Cerebellar Ataxia (CRC-SCA)

CRC-SCA is a natural history study funded by the National Ataxia Foundation (NAF). Participants enrolled in CRC-SCA have extensive longitudinal clinical data available, with a cross-sectional biospecimen collection added in 2020. In 2023, CRC-SCA expanded to include follow-up biospecimen collections for a subset of participants.

Study Subjects
The Clinical Research Consortium for the Study of Cerebellar Ataxia (CRC-SCA) continues to recruit research participants who have a confirmed diagnosis of SCA 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 or 10.
Available Data

Please visit https://www.ataxia.org/crc-sca/academic-research/ for more information regarding available clinical data.

Available Biospecimens

Plasma, serum, CSF, whole blood, and DNA.

Specimen Catalog

The catalog for CRC-SCA is hosted by BioSEND. Use the link below to access the BioSEND catalog to view available specimens along with a minimal clinical data set.